Many people spend en entire day or two crunching numbers, reading tax forms, and doing their own taxes. We’re here so you can spend your time on something more valuable, like people or business. Plus, we live and breathe taxes.
A 1040 can be pretty basic, but it can get complicated quickly. There are certain deductions or credits an individual does not want to miss, because they may result in significant refunds.
For instance, a parent can often get a tax benefit for paying tuition. Which credit to take and the amount of credit to take depends on the facts and circumstances of the student. Not all the pertinent information will be found on the 1098-T.
Rental real estate activities can get messy. Is the real estate considered active or passive? Many people do not understand the passive activity rules of the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations. These rules are so complex that online tax filing services may not be able to understand how they apply to you, because they depend on the individual inputting the appropriate information, which the average person without a tax background is not well equipped to do.
There are many techniques our professionals use to make sure that a tax return is tight, none of our clients miss deductions, and the IRS does not see any red flags caused by a software error or because an individual does not know the tax rules that go into his or her tax return.
To stop the long days digging through tax rules and bank statements by calling us at 651-689-4789.
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